The earliest signs of pregnancy
You dream about pregnancy and wait a long time for it, and finally, your period does not come on time… Any woman in this case tries to confirm her assumptions as soon as possible. To understand if anything has changed in your body after the fertilization of the ovum, you need to be attentive to yourself at the planning stage of the child. And if you know exactly what sensations you have during all periods of the menstrual cycle, especially in its second phase, it will not be difficult to notice the changes that occurred after conception.
What can you see before your period is expected?
Usually conception occurs approximately two weeks before the beginning of the alleged period. Approximately one week after fertilization, the egg enters the uterus and is fixed there. At this time, the woman may notice small mucous membranes with veins of blood. These are so-called implantation bleedings caused by the introduction of a fetal egg into the swollen uterine mucous membrane (endometrium). In fairness it should be noted that they are far from everyone and not necessarily.
Even in the very early stages, before the expected menstruation, a slight aching pain may appear in the depth of the small pelvis, a feeling of gravity and pressure on the bottom. These feelings are due to the increased flow of blood to the uterus. Some women at this time may even experience spasms similar to faint labor. Such pains are very common in many women during the first two days of their period.
What happens then?
A few more days pass and the expected menstruation does not come. The delay is joined by the increase and painfulness of the mammary glands, the constant desire to go to sleep, mood swings. Some expectant mothers at this stage notice a feeling of hunger, others, on the contrary – nausea in the morning and disgust for food. Many become sensitive to smells that previously did not bother them in any way. All these signs indirectly indicate that the conception took place.
If your menstruation is delayed for more than two weeks, you can have almost no doubts about the birth of a new life. In the first days of the delay, some women see white, viscous secretions and a feeling of being crucified at the bottom of their abdomen. All this is due to the active thickening and growth of uterine muscles (myometry).

There is no doubt that pregnancy has occurred if the periarticular mugs on the swollen breasts have darkened and have become bored. Combined with the delay of your period, morning sickness, change of mood and appetite is almost an obvious sign of “interesting” situation. Increased fatigue, malaise, a feeling of shattering – all these are also early manifestations of the coming motherhood.
Another symptom of early pregnancy is low blood pressure due to increased blood pressure of internal organs. Some women have frequent urges to urinate, causing considerable inconvenience, especially if the expectant mother works or studies. They are explained by hormonal background changes associated with pregnancy. When the endocrine system “calms down” and gets used to its new state, these phenomena will pass. Vitamin and mineral complexes.
The fact that a woman is pregnant may be indicated by her changed taste preferences. There may be perversions of taste – for example, you are very hungry for chalk. Early pregnancy is characterized by the appearance of a taste for salty or sour food, for exotic fruits. This is despite the fact that previously a woman was completely indifferent to them.
In order not to doubt anymore.
Usually a woman, when her menstruation is delayed, takes a pregnancy test, bought at a pharmacy. Its results are usually quite reliable, but sometimes this test can produce both false positive and false negative results. In addition, it also diagnoses ectopic pregnancies, which are very dangerous for women.
Therefore, to make absolutely sure that you are pregnant and the fetus is in the right place – in the uterus, if your period is late, hurry to the gynecologist. With the help of laboratory analysis for hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), the doctor can tell exactly whether you are pregnant or not. And the presence of a fetal egg in the uterus will confirm the ultrasound.